Open Sesame

How annoying when you arrive after a long roadtrip to your second home and your gate doesn’t open!!! Many things might have happened, a powercut for sure, but HOW? If you don’t have regular control visits to your house (at least one a month) then this will obviously happen.
All in One Riviera is often #1 on the list for the alarm compagny to call. As soon as there is a powercut, phone problem or any other technical issue, All in One Riviera will go immediatly to the house and put either electricity back on or solve your problem at once and makes the electrician come if the problem persist.
As for the gate, many things could arrive if you don’t have it maintained twice a year. Possibility of ANTS eating all your wires (or any other insect or small animal nesting in there). Powercuts through heavy storm and thunder, wires burned. A fload of sand, mud etc in the motor of the gate. Some great pictures here to show you the examples!
Do not hesistate in cleaning it yourself if you know how to open the boxes or the motor, but just make sure it is done regulary !